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Join TBC Supply at the NSPMA Annual Conference - booth 57 - April 8th – 10th
Join TBC Supply at the NSPMA Annual Conference - booth 57 - April 8th – 10th

Shutter Fans

One of the most important aspects of interior environments is proper ventilation. When it comes to commercial facilities, ventilation is even more important as there may be negative impacts to the air created by machinery and/or manufacturing processes that need to be ventilated. In addition to removing unwanted particulates and fumes, ventilation is part of interior climate management and can significantly help with cooling by exchanging hot air from within with cool air from without.



The best way to achieve outstanding ventilation and its many benefits is to utilize shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans. Because they are wall mounted, they are connected to the exterior environment and can therefore regulate air exchange. With a shutter system, they are able to more precisely control airflow, establishing a set of controls that can have huge beneficial impacts on interior air quality.

4 Benefits of Shuttered Wall-Mounted Exhaust Fans

1. Ventilation and Improved Air Quality

The most powerful aspect of shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans is the ability to improve interior air quality by ventilation. Stale, stagnant air can be readily replaced with fresh air from the exterior, improving climate conditions within.

2. Temperature Control

Shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans help with temperature control in a similar way by removing hot air from within and exchanging it with cooler air from without. This is especially important during warm and hot Spring and Summer months where structures warm up during the day but do not cool off as fast as the exterior environment. 

By exchanging the cooling air from outside with hot air from inside, exhaust fans help to provide a cooler interior atmosphere.

3. Removal of Fumes and Odors

A critical aspect of some manufacturing facilities is to remove fumes and air tainted with particulates out of the building for safety purposes. Shutter wall mounted exhaust fans are the ideal solution and their usage readily leads to a safer, more comfortable environment inside that employees will appreciate, boosting their efficiency.

4. Protect Equipment and Machinery

Likewise, particulate-filled air as well as hot temperature can have negative effects on equipment and machinery. By utilizing exhaust fans to exchange tainted and/or hot air with fresh air from the exterior, facility managers can lower maintenance needs and extend the life of equipment,

Applications for Shuttered Wall Mounted Exhaust Fans


Manufacturing is the home to machinery and equipment that generates heat and oftentimes fumes. These impact interior air quality and need to be ventilated, making shutter wall mounted exhaust fans an important tool. 

Even without fumes, all of that machinery can add to the heat from spring and summer temperatures and create an uncomfortable interior atmosphere. By utilizing exhaust fans, powerful air exchange can take place to make sure air is fresh within the facility.


Warehouses are a key aspect of the supply chain by storing goods in between their manufacture and sale and delivery. Because of this, it’s important that the interior atmosphere within is not causing harm to the stored goods. This can often be a tall order due to the fact that warehouses are massive structures and the kinds of HVAC systems necessary to cool and ventilate them is extremely expensive, and that’s before the daily energy costs to run them. 

A great solution then is to utilize shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans to efficiently ventilate the warehouse, improving air quality and temperature.

Data Centers

Data centers are similar to warehouses but are full of server racks and associated equipment that power the internet and now the explosive AI sector. This equipment generates a lot of heat, and while they have cooling systems of their own, any advantage to facility-wide cooling to help protect this incredibly important equipment is advantageous. 

By utilizing shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans, the hot, stale air can be exchanged with fresh air from the outside to improve air quality and bring temperatures down. It’s of note that the equipment in these facilities are utilizing fans of their own for cooling, so making sure quality air is available helps prolong equipment. 

This situation is also hugely aided by exhaust fans in the winter that can bring in cold air and provide serious cooling to equipment that needs it.

Commercial Kitchens

Commercial kitchens are one of the applications where ventilation is most needed. Unlike the examples above, they are much smaller facilities with lower ceilings, meaning the imperative to ventilate is more pronounced. 

Smoke, steam, and a tremendous amount of heat generated in kitchens needs to be immediately ventilated and replaced with fresh air, both for safety reasons and to provide cooling in a truly hot environment for chefs and their team.

Agricultural Facilities

It may not come to mind first, but air quality in closed agricultural facilities like greenhouses is about as important to plant life as water. Plants, like us, need air to live, and it needs to be fresh for efficiency to be maximized. 

In other agricultural facilities such as livestock barns, it’s also imperative for air to be exchanged, if only for those who have to work around all of those animals! In either case, shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans are critical and provide the required air flow necessary for success.

TBC Supply is the Go-To Supplier of High-End shuttered-mounted Exhaust Fans

Although the cooling and air flow provided by other types of industrial fans can add significant benefits to operations in commercial facilities, shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans can be absolutely critical. They therefore need to be top-of-the-line and capable as key components of the facility’s overall processes. 

TBC Supply works with the best manufacturers to provide our clients with the best exhaust fans in the industry. 

To learn more about shuttered wall mounted exhaust fans and the right solutions for your specific needs, contact our experts today.