HVAC systems are simply not cost-effective for most warehouse applications, which means that unmanaged interior climates and stale air can quickly become problematic for personnel, stored goods, and equipment. Thankfully, modern industrial-grade fans are available to fill this gap, offering warehousing operations powerful, low-cost tools to contribute measurable control over air flow and climate.
High volume, low speed fans (HVLS) fans specifically are the perfect compliment to warehouses looking to improve interior climate conditions and air flow, with these fans capable of providing significant results in the largest of facilities with even just a handful of units. TBC Supply features industry-leading HVLS fans from Big Ass Fans and Hunter Industrial to provide a modern solution for warehouse climate control.
What Makes HVLS Fans Unique
HVLS fans are fans that feature long blade lengths and are therefore capable of moving a tremendous volume of air without needing to spin quickly. This means that their cost to benefit ratio is outstanding, as the motors necessary to spin them aren’t overly large nor take heavy wear and tear. It also means that the energy costs necessary to run these fans is low. HVLS fans therefore not only serve a critical purpose in providing cooling and air flow in warehouse facilities where HVAC systems aren’t possible/economical, but do so in a cost-effective manner.
5 Benefits of HVLS Ceiling Fans for Warehouses
Fans have long been important as the flow of air across the skin activates the evaporative cooling process. Even something as simple as a folded up piece of paper waved at the face on a hot day can provide significant cooling. Mechanical fans take this to the next level by providing a constant and powerful air flow, and HVLS fans take it further by making this capability possible for giant warehouse structures, all done energy-efficiently. Let’s take a look at all of their benefits:
1. Cooling
As mentioned, fans core function is to provide cooling by activating the evaporative cooling process. In warehouses where HVAC systems aren’t feasible, providing cooling is critical for the health and well-being of not only personnel, but equipment and stored goods. There is no mechanical fan or solution more powerful at inducing the evaporative cooling effect than HVLS fans. Even better, because of their great blade length, they can move a tremendous amount of air and therefore even just one or a couple HVLS fans can provide the cooling necessary for large warehouses.
2. Improved Air Flow
In addition to cooling, industry fans in the absence of HVAC systems are the only way to provide air flow. Air flow is not only critical to the evaporative cooling process, but it can be utilized for other processes for climate control. For example, utilizing HVLS fans in conjunction with exhaust fans in a warehouse can modulate interior temperatures simply by moving and thus mixing the huge volumes of air within warehouses. Additionally, improved air flow means improved air quality, something that is critical to personnel, equipment, and stored goods well-being, too. Finally, improved air flow helps to reduce moisture issues as it lessens humidity. HVLS fans' capability to move extreme amounts of air translates to a highly effective device to improve air flow.
3. Help with Ventilation
Ventilation is another critical aspect of air quality and climate control, and there’s little that can be done about it in the absence of an HVAC system. To improve ventilation and allow exhaust fans in walls and ceiling/roof tops to effectively perform their duties, you need solid air flow. HVLS fans again provide this air flow, helping turn a non-ventilating system into one that can ventilate readily.
4. Destratification
A unique feature of warehouses besides their massive footprints is their tall ceilings. This is important when considering the volume of air inside as air will stratify, meaning form into layers. Simply put, hot air rises, so hot air will form the top layer and a temperature gradient will form across the layers with the coolest layer at the bottom. These layers also can entrap particulates and each have a differing composition of fresher or less fresh air. To not only solve this but make use of it, HVLS fans are utilized to destratify the air layers, or mix them. Only with HVLS can such volumes be properly mixed, which means the air can then wholly be modulated by a ventilation system. Destratifying air helps make air more fresh, as well as utilizing the different temperature layers to enact a measure of climate control. Especially in winter months, reversing HVLS fans is a great way to bring warm air down below to provide warmth.
5. Save on Energy Costs
Perhaps the most amazing thing about HVLS fans is they can achieve the above cost-effectively because of their unique design. Due to the blade lengths, HVLS fans do not need to spin fast, which means the motors necessary to run them do not have to be extreme. This means maintenance issues and wear and tear are greatly lessened. On top of all of that, the energy costs to run them are small. HVLS fans are simply an incredibly optimized tool that offers immense benefits with no downsides.
Heavy Duty Industrial Fans FAQs
Are HVLS Fans Better Than Directional Fans?
HVLS fans are not necessarily better than directional fans, it's more that they have different use cases. Directional fans do not have long blade lengths so they simply cannot compete with HVLS fans in applications like structure-wide warehouse cooling and air flow.
Can HVLS Fans Also Provide Heating?
Yes! HVLS, like most fans, can be reversed, pulling air from above down below. Because warehouses are so large with tall ceilings, an immense amount of warm air is trapped and thus wasted at the top of the ceiling. During winter months, HVLS fans are powerful enough to bring that air down to the floor, providing noticeable heating without any HVAC system.
Can Industrial Fans Help Air Conditioning Systems?
Yes, HVLS systems are a powerful ally of HVAC systems. While HVAC systems are cost-prohibitive for most warehouses, if they are employed, HVLS can be used in conjunction and massively help the HVAC system move air. This means less wear and tear on the HVAC system, in addition to a marked drop in operation energy expenses.
TBC Supply is the Go-To Supplier for HVLS Ceiling Fans for Warehouses
TBC Supply works with the best manufacturers to provide our clients with the best HVLS ceiling fans for warehouses.
To learn more about HVLS fans for warehouses and the right solutions for your specific needs, contact our experts today.